Sunday, November 26, 2006

Entry for November 26, 2006

Quote of the Day
"Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
– Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Truer words have never been spoken.  As a salesperson, I have a certain appreciation for quotes such as these.  What is especially nice is that this advice applies not only to one's career, but to every aspect of one's life.  Here is hoping you mull over this saying, and follow it with with all the fidelity and fervor it deserves.

Christien, daddy is still trying.  I still miss you, and pray to God for you every day.  May He allow you to feel me love even though we've been forced to be 900 miles apart.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Entry for November 23, 2006- Happy Thanksgiving

Whether you celebrate it or not, it is always nice to recognize and be thankful for what you have.  Here's hoping everyone is having a great day and enjoying great food.


Christien, I hope you have enjoyed the holiday.  May God bless you and watch over you, my son.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Entry for November 16, 200610 pm - RIP Linda

I had to do one of the hardest things in my life tonight. Our pet dog Linda was attacked by a Rottweiler as Aaron took her for a walk. The poor kid had to see her get attacked then carry her home running and screaming, I immediately rushed her to an animal hospital ( I had to stop at a pet store to find one). Luckily, the hospital is open 24 hours. Unfortunately, the doctor told me her injuries were very serious and there was no guuarantee that evven surgery could save her.
I was there with her when they euthanized her. I didn't want her to be alone. I'll tell you what, though, she went out like a trooper- not really complaining, and yelping only if she accidently lay on her injuries. Poor girl. she deserved better. I'll miss you, Linda. Hopefully you're in a great open field where you can run top-speed to your heart's content. Goodnight girl.

Christien, I love you. and miss you

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Entry for November 16, 2006

You know, i just realized how long it had been since I posted an entry.  I just wanted everyone to know I am still alive and kicking.  I check my page every day but I haven't had time to post.  I promise to add more detail sonn, but for now some quick hits:

1. Hey Republicans, do you need any more proof your methods and ideals are flawed?
2. It is not all Tom Brady's fault, but that much being said, something just doesn't look right with him.
3. $51 million to TALK to a player.  If the Red Sox even gave me 1% of that, they could talk my ear off for the year.
4. What those cops did to that man they beat in CA is just sick.
5. Gas was down to $2.03 the week before the elections.  It's now up to $2.14, with talks of it still going higher.  I told people it was a election push, and that thr prices would go back up as soon as it was over.
6. Christien, daddy still loves you and misses you.  But that will all be changing very soon, God willing.  Cuidate, mi hijo.