Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Entry for July 31, 2007 - Quick Hit #?

"Your Dreams are Never Silly; Depend on Them to Guide You"

It was on a fortune cookie I received a few years ago. Being a salesperson, it struck a cord with me.

So here is my question to you, all my friends: What is your current major dream that is guiding you?

If you have read this blog, you should already know what mine is, but what is yours. Please comment under this entry.

I hope you are enjoying your Summer Christien. Daddy loves you and misses you. Ya mismo, mi hijo, ya mismo.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Entry for July 18, 2007- Quick Hit

It's time for another one of my famous (infamous?) quick hits.

I was going through some old work emails when I came acroos the following quote. It was attached to a chain, but I won't subject you to that part.

"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you"

I miss you Christien. Summer is halfway over. I hope you have been enjoying it. Grandma's birthday was yesterday and she wished she could've seen you. She's up there right now. You have a whole other family, mi hijo, that wants to know how you're doing. Cuidate, we'll be together before we know it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Entry for July 17, 2007 - Sport Thought

So I recently added a new friend who goes by Sports Lover, and she asked me my thoughts about about the whole baseball steroids "scandal". As I was replying to her, I realized it would make a pretty good blog entry. So, all credit goes to her for making me consider this topic.

Her initial question was regarding Jason Giambi having to go in front of the Mitchell investigation. Below is my reply. Enjoy.

RE: Giambi

....As far as Giambi is concerned, they should be praising the man for coming out and telling the truth rather than villifying him. But what do you expect when the commissioner is one of the owners who gave the wink and nod during the steroids era. It's farily obvious a lot of guys did it, we know who many of them are, and baseball is always going to have the "Steroids Era". They (MLB) need to acknowledge it, acknowledge their complacency and complicity in it, and move on. I don't think it will ever happen, though, because the majority of these owners are overgrown egotistical children who probably don't want to to be exposed to lawsuits once the detrimental affects of the steroids starts hitting these players- much like what happened in the NFL and is happening in Pro Wrestling.

Christien, daddy is still loving and missing you. The Lord will bring us together, soon. I can fell it. Until then, cuidate mi hijo. Que Dios te Bendiga.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Entry for July 09, 2007- Thoughts for Monday

These are in no particular order. They're just stuff cluttering my brain.

1) I wonder if the Wampanoags debated much before they went to go help the pilgrims - technically, America's 1st illegal immigrants.

2) Are the Red Sox really that good, or are the Yanks just napping?

3) I'm sick of Paris, Brittney, Lindsay, et al. Remember when Mother Teresa made headlines?

4) I have over 200 channels and I still couldn't find anything worth watching. Now I know how Springsteen felt, and he only had 57.

5) Are salespeople really as annoying as you make us feel we are. If you own a business, how are your salespeople compared to us?Do you think them annoying, or persistent? Why are we any different?

6) Psalm 23

7) If I knew then what I know now...I'd have gotten into a lot more trouble!

8) Can anybody truthfully tell me where the presidential candidates stand on any three important issues. Have they actually taken a stance?

9) Live Earth was cool, but how many trees did it take to offset all the carbon for it? As an aside, the "Think" mini with the old lady and the store owner was fantastic, and the mini about the pig iron highlighted why environmenatalism is hard to adopt. I could do without Super Bloke.

10) Is it NFL season yet?

Christien, you're not on that list because you are not clutter in my brain. You are in the forefront of my thoughts and prayers. God is great and He answers all prayers. Please know I ask Him to watch over you every day until the day we are together again. Te quiro mi hijo. Que Dios te bendiga.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Entry for July 05, 2007

Can anyone guess what me and the the guy in the picture have in common?

I hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th and came away with all your appendages intact. That is all for now. Have a beautiful day.

Christien I hope you got to see the fireworks and enjoyed them. I'm still trying, mi hijo, and I won't stop. zi love you and miss you. Cuidate, please. Que Dios te bendiga, mi hijo.