These are in no particular order. They're just stuff cluttering my brain.
1) I wonder if the Wampanoags debated much before they went to go help the pilgrims - technically, America's 1st illegal immigrants.
2) Are the Red Sox really that good, or are the Yanks just napping?
3) I'm sick of Paris, Brittney, Lindsay, et al. Remember when Mother Teresa made headlines?
4) I have over 200 channels and I still couldn't find anything worth watching. Now I know how Springsteen felt, and he only had 57.
5) Are salespeople really as annoying as you make us feel we are. If you own a business, how are your salespeople compared to us?Do you think them annoying, or persistent? Why are we any different?
6) Psalm 23
7) If I knew then what I know now...I'd have gotten into a lot more trouble!
8) Can anybody truthfully tell me where the presidential candidates stand on any three important issues. Have they actually taken a stance?
9) Live Earth was cool, but how many trees did it take to offset all the carbon for it? As an aside, the "Think" mini with the old lady and the store owner was fantastic, and the mini about the pig iron highlighted why environmenatalism is hard to adopt. I could do without Super Bloke.
10) Is it NFL season yet?
Christien, you're not on that list because you are not clutter in my brain. You are in the forefront of my thoughts and prayers. God is great and He answers all prayers. Please know I ask Him to watch over you every day until the day we are together again. Te quiro mi hijo. Que Dios te bendiga.