Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Entry for June 09, 2009 - My first Profile Post

I want to be with 360 until the bitter end, but I also have to recognize that it is ending and I have to use Profiles. Below is the post I just wrote for Profiles. Until shutdown day, I will post my Profiles post onto 360 as well. Old habits die hard. I ask that if any of my friends are going to Profiles, look for me. I am and always will be "crqri" and I look forward to maintaining the contacts I have made here. God bless, everyone.

From Profiles:

Well, this is my first entry on this new Profiles platform. When I started blogging on 360, I thought to myself it was a safe bet. Yahoo was an internet stalwart that wouldn't go away anytime soon and 360 was going to be their answer to MySpace and Blogger and dominate with their unique niche. Boy did I get that wrong! Through the rise and fall of Mash, the weirdness of Multiply, and the hope brought forth by 360Plus in in Asia, I stayed loyal. The only reason I am here now is because my friends' comments were ported over along with the rest of my blog (this is the singular reason that I did not adopt Multiply, even though I still keep my account active over there. Now its more for internet identity protection moe than for anything else. My mission is still the same - this blog will give a window to my mind for that particular moment in time, and it will serve as my means of communicating to my son Christien, until the day God sees fit to have us together again. I am not, however, going to only be using Profiles as I did with 360. Thank you Yahoo for allowing me to download my blog content. You have shown me, as much as this recent economic crisis has, that nothing is guaranteed and that nothing can be taken for granted. I can't guarantee that I will be vigilant to Profiles, but I really want to be. I believe in loyalty, and I relish any opportunity to be an early adopter. Yahoo, please don't lose me to Blogger or to Wordpress. Do right by your customers. We want to do right by you.

Christien, daddy loves you and misses you. My wish for Father's Day is to know you are well. Take care and God bless and protect you, mi hijo.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Entry for May 13, 2009 - Testify to Love

I watched the "Touched by an Angel" episode where they sang this song. In the episode it was referred to as Psalm 151. The episode made me tear up and the lyrics are great. God bless everyone. Christien, daddy still loves and misses you.

All the colors of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream
that reaches out
Reaches out to find the love he gave

Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silence
Says the words are not enough
With every breath I take
We'll give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace

Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart
Will see what love has done

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silence
Says the words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify love
(Repeat 2x)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Entry for April 22, 2009- Quick hits

1. My dad and his wife are back together again. Further proof that God can do miracles.
2. I wonder how much Sprint will charge for the Palm Pre?
3. I will never understand the Apple mania.
4. Cavs over Lakers in 6.
5. New England will trade up this weekend, probably for a linebacker.
6. 80 degrees and sunny. Florida definitely agrees with me.
7. I miss NY System Wieners.
8. I refuse to listen to any more doom and gloom about this economy. Talk to me when you've thrown the perpetrators of this debacle in jail.
9. I am declaring by faith that I will see Christien before this summer is over.
10. Every day should be Earth Day.

Daddy loves you and misses you mi hijo. Cuidate y que Dios te guarda y bendiga.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Entry for April 06, 2009

So, this week marks Holy Week, the lead-up to the Super Bowl of Christianity, Easter. I'm just wondering how and who turned Easter into a gift-giving holiday? Is it really so necessary to turn every holiday into a gift-giving holiday? I mean what is the justification: "Well, Jesus gave us the gift of eternal salvation, so here's a diamond heart pendant(courtesy of Jared's, of course). What's next, "Grandpa died during the war so we could barbecue today, Memorial Day, so here's some new clothes in celebration".
I am not making light of the holidays themselves, rather this idea that you have to gifts during them. Christmas is understandable- we're celebrating Jesus' birth and the three kings did bring him gifts to honor him- but is it really necessary t buy junior an iPod just because it's Easter? And don't even get me started on these made-up corporate holidays such as Secretary's Day or Grandparents Day(there's Mother's Day and Father's Day for that).
Easter should be a day of celebration, that is it. When I was young, my mother would by me a new outfit. That was cool. I can deal with that, but please people, save the Nintendo DSi's for their birthdays.

Dios te bendiga Christien. Te amo y te estrano. Cuidate mi hijo amado.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Entry for March 31, 2009-Would You pay $20 for this?!

Fifth Third Burger Nutritional Value
Calorie 4889 244%
Total Fat 299g 460%
Sat. Fat 199g 597%
Cholesterol 744mg 248%
Sodium 10,887mg 454%
Total Carbs 354g 118%
Protein 198g 105%

"It's 5/3 lbs (1.66) of beef with lettuce, tomato, salsa, sour cream, chili and Fritos on an eight-inch sesame seed bun.

The team says it feeds one to four people and sells for $20, and if a person finishes the Fifth Third Burger in one sitting, the team will offer up a Fifth Third Burger T-shirt."

-- Source: http://www.cnbc.com/id/29838746

This burger is every Cardiologist dream AND nightmare at the same time! That much being said, I'd try one.

Daddy loves you and misses you Christien.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Entry for March 29, 2009 - Biblical Thoughts

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:12-13

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails..." 1Cor4-8

Christien, daddy loves you and misses you. Please stay safe and be happy. I will see you soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Entry for March 25, 2009-Psalm 118

Every morning when I take the dog out for a walk, a song I learned in grade school runs through my mind. We learned the song as "This is the Day"; it was supposed to be sung in a round-fashion, but we usually just repeated the verses. I didn't know then(because it wasn't taught to us) that the song was the 24th verse from Psalm 118:
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
I frequently sing it as I am walking as it lifts my spirits.

Today, I read the entire Psalm and I realized how appropriate its message is for today. In it the Psalmist speaks of how God protects us and aids us in our daily lives. No matter what the problem, He is always there for us. It also states how it i better to put your trust in Him rather than in any man or prince. God's love is eternal and it always endures. When we cry out to Him he listens, and when we misbehave, we are punished as we deserve to be, but we still needn't fear death because He is still with us.

How great is it to have Him in our lives, guiding, loving, protecting, and providing for us. As the Psalm repeats in the beginning "His love endures forever". God is love. He is that agape love that we all strive to be and to receive: Selfless, unwavering, self-sacrificial, perfect.

So let us rejoice! There is nothing going on in this world that God cannot handle. We NEED to be thankful and show Him that we are. Every day when we wake up is a new day that He has given us. Treat each day as a gift, a blessing. Rejoice and be glad in it. God Bless You.

I love you Christien.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Entry for March 24, 2009

As I get ready to call it a night, a few things struck me about American Idol :

1. Let's get it out of the way. Yes I watch, and I am enjoying this season. I usually only check in to see the atrocities of the beginning, but this season has a lot of talent and it has kept me interested.
2. One of the contestants reminds my of the "dwarf" in "Sydney White" that always wore the Scout uniform.
3. I'm still struck by the notable absence of the judges during Kanye West's performance. Whether intentional or not, their absence spoke volumes as to the current state of modern music- and I couldn't agree more. Every generation had their "stupid" songs (Humpty Dance, anyone?), but those songs were the exception rather than the rule. Not anymore.

Cuidate Christien. Daddy te ama y te estrana. Dios te bendiga, hijo mio.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Entry for March 23, 2009

Somebody, please explain this to me. Supposedly, our society is built upon people spending their money, right? The more we spend, the more the economy grows. So why, instead of giving these fat cats who have already messed up everything MORE money, why don't you give it to us, the people who WILL actually spend it and not pass around amongst all the other rich people.

People are upset and up in arms about these AIG bonuses. Politicians are "shocked" that these people could be so clueless...YOU ARE THE CLUELESS ONES. What did you expect to happen? They purposely nuked the economy for their own benefit, and you thought they would change?!

About the only thing that I have seen out if this that I have liked is that none other than FOX News reported that these "bonuses" have been known about since November, during the BUSH administration! Sure, they broke it over the weekend when people don't pay too close attention to the news, on their Business channel which is hardly carried by anyone, never mind the fact that people pay even LESS attention to the business news over the weekend, but at least they reported it. Additionally, they gave it about 3 minutes on their prime channel some time between 9 and 9:30(that's how I first heard about it). So, kudos to FOX(Business)News for reporting something damning regardin the previous administation.

Trickle Down Economics has failed. We are living the proof. instead of giving these trillions to these fat cats in the hopes that they'll give it to us, give to everyone unilaterally and lets see how fast the economy gets rolling!

Christien, Daddy loves you and misses you. Que Dios te bendiga.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Entry for March 17, 2009-Happy St Patrick's Day

Please be safe and mature in all your revelry.

Dios te bendiga Christien. Te amo hijo mio.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Entry for March 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. Why are people so afraid to admit that they have let God into their lives?
2. Cutler is getting some really bad advise.
3. St Mary's should have made the tournament.
4. I thought "Kings" was great last night. Now I have something to look forward tp Sunday nights.
5. The same could be said about Fridays and "Friday Night Lights".
6. Baseball season is the period of the year when we're all just waiting for football season.
7. That being said, GO SOX!!!!
8. I don't care how much the Yankees spend, you can't buy teamwork.
9. Of course if it all works out for the, look out- much to my and the "Nation"'s dismay.
10. Good luck Matt.
11. So the health care Congress has is good enough for themselves, but not for the rest of the nation. Is that about it?
12. Jesus and his apostles would be called Socialists today. For proof, read Acts 4:32-35.
13. And just what is wrong with the affluent helping the less so. They're complaining about losing their tax breaks for charitable contributions. Guess what guys, God knows why you really give, and if you think you an buy your way into Heaven, think again. Give because it is right, not because of some tax break. And while we're, how about you guy just pay your fair share.
14. Better still, how about just a flat tax- say 10% across the board. If that is all God requires of us, why should the government need any more?
15. I never respected spirituality until I fasted. Not giving up something like people are doing for Lent-that is called sacrificing- but truly fasting- no food or drink. Giving up tv or chocolate for 40 days is easy, because after a while, the desire goes away. Now try denying your body its basic need. Fasting forces you to overcome ALL of your carnal desires- and I am a better person for it.
16. I wonder how many people realize how blessed they truly are.
17. Quiverfull backlash aside, if it weren't for Psalm 127, I probably wouldn't be with Aaron. God sent me that message when I was conflicted, and I am grateful for it.
18. I need tto do my taxes.
19. 80 degrees and sunny is always fine with me.
20. I miss you Christien. God always has a plan for every thing and he also always know how to turn any bad situation for good, so have faith mi hijo. We will be together again. Obey your mother, love your siblings, and respect your elders. There will always be a place waiting for you in our home. Que Dios te bendiga. I love you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Entry for March 13, 2009

I wish I could keep up with this blog more often. The truth is, with everything that has happened over time with 360 and with Yahoo, I really worry about either or both surviving. This blog originally started to post my thoughts. Then it became an online record of letting my son know that I had never forgotten him, along with my thoughts.

I still pray for and think of Christien daily, I just don't come by here daily to post. I wish there was some way to export this to another platform. Actually I wish Yahoo would make a commitment. The community used to be so strong and I enjoyed it for a while, but it has deteriorated with all of Yahoo's changes in strategy.

I'll keep posting and praying that until the day comes when I can be with Christien again, this blog will continue online so that he know that his daddy loves him.

Que Dios te Bendiga, hijo mio.