Friday, May 11, 2012
Shay's Picks: Lessons in Leadership from Bill Shankly
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Amendment One

Amendment One
My personal opinion about Amendment One: Jesus would be disgusted with this. Those who know me know how serious I take that statement. For those considering voting for it: I've read the amendment. Have you? Or are you just following marching orders? Has the person who is giving you those orders read it? I have been nlessed to have some awesome religious leaders in my, but I have also known some who lost their way, which is why I no longer take their words at face value. I research & I base my opinions on my findings.
I am reminded of the saying "The Road to Perdition is paved with good intentions". The USA, which I have heard MANY pastors & religious leaders say is supposed to be a beacon of Christianity in this world, is supposed to be a tolerant and respectful society. This amendment changes that. If the bible is supposed to be the truth, which I know it is, show me where Jesus- not the Old Testament prophets nor Paul- talks about hating any one group or restricting another. You can't, because what Jesus preached about was love and respect. "Do unto others".
Reread the beatitudes and tell me if the people this amendment affects aren't the same people He's talking about. This amendment is all about legalizing bigotry, hate, and intolerance regardless of whatever collateral damage it may cause.
I am vociferously voting NO on Amendment One & if that upsets any of my Christian friends, there is a button there to remove me as a friend. However, read it all carefully, & don't just pay attention to what it does say, but also what it does not, then ask yourself deep down in your heart and soul- Is this really what Jesus would want? I did. & now you know my answer.
Christien, daddy loves you & misses you. Que Dios te bendiga