Thursday, May 11, 2006

Entry for May 9, 2006

Just a quick shot. life is a trip!!  I arrived home today from Aaron's dentist's appointment, and was immediately bombarded with questions about how I thought I could sing?  I was clueless about what everyone was talking about until someone said something about American Idol.  Instantly, I knew what they were talking about.  A few weeks ago, the local Fox affiliate announced on their morning news show a contest where a local Ford dealership was looking for a spokesperson.  The grand prize was free trip for 2 to the "Idol" finals, and a free Ford Fusion year lease.   So, for the heck of it, I filled out the entry form, AND THEY CALLED!!!  I have to go Saturday and try to show if I'm better than 79 other people.  I'll let you know what happens, but life is a trip!

Hi Christien!!!

1 comment:

  1. So, how did it turn out? I followed a list of buddy's friends until I found your site and have been reading about your relationship with your son. I've admired the way you use your blog space. I use my space sparingly and have been journaling my journey in buying a home. Finally I found one and now I have mild regrets because my brother is diagnosed with cancer last month and doctors say he has until December to live and I wish I were there to drink coffee with him every day and to talk about nothing. I may use my blog to talk about my relationship with my brother. Rather you are right or wrong in your quest to see you son, I don't know. I'm not there. But, I admire your quest and your fight to see your son. He will hopefully somday see your blog and know you.
