Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Entry for December 24, 2008- Merry Christmas

As I get ready to head over to my family's Christmas party(We Latinos celebrate on Christmas Eve, in case you didn't know), I think about what Christmas has become. I made the comment earlier today That I am disgusted that everyone has forgotten that the holiday's purpose is to celebrate the arrival of our Savior, Jesus Christ- not to gloat over who was able to get the hottest gift of the year. The gifts should be for the kids, but what e should really do is follow Jesus' example, if not this day then when? We should be kind, loving and thoughtful year-round. Christmas is as good as day as any to start. So Merry Christmas to everyone who reads this. May God guide you and protect you and never forget that He loved us so much that He offered up His only Son as the perfect sacrifice to absolve us of our sins.

Christien, I left a gift for you with Family Services at the courthouse, where we had our visits. I hope you receive it. It was the greatest gift ever given to me, and I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. Please behave yourself, mi hijo, and I will keep praying that 2009 is better than 2008 for us. I love you son. From all of us on this side of your family, Feliz Navidad to you and the rest of the other side of your family. May our love for you be the bridge that brings us all together as one family under God.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Entry for December 15, 2008

Christien daddy still loves you and misses you. Que Dios te Bendiga y te guarda, mi hijo.

Entry for December 15, 2008

i just spent the last hour composing an entry only to have it ALL LOST as soon as I hit Post. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER YAHOO!!!! We want to be loyal and you are SCREWING US!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Entry for December 06, 2008

My brain is a mess. I don't want to move back to RI but I can't be a part of my son's life unless I'm there. SW Florida is paradise as far as I am concerned. The high today was in the 70s and I could've gone swimming if I had wished to do so. I left RI because i could no longer trust its legal system. When a system believes lies rather than the truth, it is no longer trustworthy. Since I have left, the ProJo has run 3 articles talking specifically about the problem within the family court system, but I have see no followup on any changes; and yet, I am willing to risk it all for love. Lord, I pray that you watch over him and I pray that the truth is one day known. I am not looking for any retribution. I just want my son.
Christien, please keep being the good boy I know you are, do what is expected of you, and remember- I love you. Time and miles separate us physically, but you have never been gone from my heart. Que Dios te Bendiga, hijo mio.