Saturday, December 6, 2008

Entry for December 06, 2008

My brain is a mess. I don't want to move back to RI but I can't be a part of my son's life unless I'm there. SW Florida is paradise as far as I am concerned. The high today was in the 70s and I could've gone swimming if I had wished to do so. I left RI because i could no longer trust its legal system. When a system believes lies rather than the truth, it is no longer trustworthy. Since I have left, the ProJo has run 3 articles talking specifically about the problem within the family court system, but I have see no followup on any changes; and yet, I am willing to risk it all for love. Lord, I pray that you watch over him and I pray that the truth is one day known. I am not looking for any retribution. I just want my son.
Christien, please keep being the good boy I know you are, do what is expected of you, and remember- I love you. Time and miles separate us physically, but you have never been gone from my heart. Que Dios te Bendiga, hijo mio.

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