Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Destination 200 - Day Two

I will say this about BeachBody, the company that sells Insanity- they definitely believe in truth in advertising. After 2 days of doing Insanity, my entire body hurts. Literally, from my glutes all the way to my calfs, my legs hurt.

I did Day 2 today & I could barely make it through the warm up- THE WARM UP!! By the time I was done, my shirt was drenched with sweat, I could hardly stand from exhaustion, and I was praying for a merciful end to my suffering. I'm going to plow through this, but I definitely need to invest in more Aleve.

I'm getting back into the Isagenix routine, but I am wondering how all this strenuous exercise is going to mesh with their cleanse days. I'll have to find out quick.

I also tracked my meals & workout on My Fitness Pal. I thought I could share that on Facebook, but I guess not. No big deal. My morning snack was a cup of cottage cheese-plain, & lunch was spicy chicken wings with a garbanzo bean salad. According to Ilio's, the cafe at my job, my total lunch was a little over 700 calories. That is more than what Isagenix recommends but not much. I will of course be more careful in the future.

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