Thursday, December 14, 2006

Entry for December 14, 2006

I'm just posting a quick hit because it's late and I have to get up at 5 am.  I have begun working at a steady job.  I'm still getting used to not being at home all day but whatever it takes to have my family all together again.  I will post this weekend, but, in the meantime, I hope everyone is doing ok.

Christien, I love you and miss you, mi hijo.  Cuidate.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Entry for November 26, 2006

Quote of the Day
"Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
– Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Truer words have never been spoken.  As a salesperson, I have a certain appreciation for quotes such as these.  What is especially nice is that this advice applies not only to one's career, but to every aspect of one's life.  Here is hoping you mull over this saying, and follow it with with all the fidelity and fervor it deserves.

Christien, daddy is still trying.  I still miss you, and pray to God for you every day.  May He allow you to feel me love even though we've been forced to be 900 miles apart.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Entry for November 23, 2006- Happy Thanksgiving

Whether you celebrate it or not, it is always nice to recognize and be thankful for what you have.  Here's hoping everyone is having a great day and enjoying great food.


Christien, I hope you have enjoyed the holiday.  May God bless you and watch over you, my son.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Entry for November 16, 200610 pm - RIP Linda

I had to do one of the hardest things in my life tonight. Our pet dog Linda was attacked by a Rottweiler as Aaron took her for a walk. The poor kid had to see her get attacked then carry her home running and screaming, I immediately rushed her to an animal hospital ( I had to stop at a pet store to find one). Luckily, the hospital is open 24 hours. Unfortunately, the doctor told me her injuries were very serious and there was no guuarantee that evven surgery could save her.
I was there with her when they euthanized her. I didn't want her to be alone. I'll tell you what, though, she went out like a trooper- not really complaining, and yelping only if she accidently lay on her injuries. Poor girl. she deserved better. I'll miss you, Linda. Hopefully you're in a great open field where you can run top-speed to your heart's content. Goodnight girl.

Christien, I love you. and miss you

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Entry for November 16, 2006

You know, i just realized how long it had been since I posted an entry.  I just wanted everyone to know I am still alive and kicking.  I check my page every day but I haven't had time to post.  I promise to add more detail sonn, but for now some quick hits:

1. Hey Republicans, do you need any more proof your methods and ideals are flawed?
2. It is not all Tom Brady's fault, but that much being said, something just doesn't look right with him.
3. $51 million to TALK to a player.  If the Red Sox even gave me 1% of that, they could talk my ear off for the year.
4. What those cops did to that man they beat in CA is just sick.
5. Gas was down to $2.03 the week before the elections.  It's now up to $2.14, with talks of it still going higher.  I told people it was a election push, and that thr prices would go back up as soon as it was over.
6. Christien, daddy still loves you and misses you.  But that will all be changing very soon, God willing.  Cuidate, mi hijo.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Entry for Oct.19, 2006 - My sons can play for this man anytime.

I found this story through the Sports Filter message community.  Given what happened in Miami last weekend, stories like this are the kind that NEED to be emphasized.  Coach Al Golden at Temple isn't trying to train his players to just be better athletes, but also better men.  Even though his team is the epitome of futility, you can't help but root for them after reading this story.  Please follow the link then come back and give me your opinion. here it is:
Christien, Daddy loves you and misses you.  I hope you are doing ok, mi hijo.  Que Dios te proteje y te cuide a ti y todos en tu corazon.  We're together in my heart if not in real life.  Goodnight.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Entry for Oct. 09, 2006 - Why Sports are Important to Guys: My Story

So, what do the Yankees and the Red Sox have in common?  The will both be watching the World Series from home.

I am one of the few members in my family who is a devoted Red Sox fan, so any chance I have to jab my Yankee loving family members, I'll take it.

People often wonder why I, and men in general, get so emotionally involved in sporting events and teams.  If you really think about it, sports provides so many avenues of parallels for our lives.  Sports provides men with the same type of edge of your seat drama soaps provide women.  They also give us an identifiable link to our childhood.  It provides us a momentary escape from our reality, while at the same time giving us new opportunities at creating memories.

When I was in Chicago, Sal and I were driving into the city to go to the show, and U2's "Its a Beautiful Day" came on the radio.  I related to Sal my story surrounding that song, and how it and the New England Patriots helped bring me out of my depression over my failed relationship with K***-L**.  This story, more than any, should explain all I am trying to say.

When we first broke up, I was devastated.  I couldn't even sleep in the same bed.  Hell, I had gotten so used to sleeping on the couch, it didn't really matter anyways.  Anyways, it took me a good year to fully grieve, and towards the end, I kept hearing2 songs all the time on VH1 in the mornings (I was up at 6am, had already watched Sportcenter, and would want to hear music before going to work, and it was the only channel that played it in the morning)  The 2 songs were "Desert Rose" by Sting, and "Beautiful Day",  so those 2 songs became associated with my breakup.  Anyways, this was summer 2001. 

Fast forward a few months, 9/11 happens, Bledsoe goes down, and some 6th round pick from Michigan called Tom Brady is the Pats starting QB.  (I'll never forget K*** accusing me of trying to avoid her call for some stupid reason on 9/11 when I was trying to find out if cousins were down near there and if anyone knew anything about the Network Plus office in the WTC.  She said I didn't know anyone there, so I shouldn't care about what was going on.  Truth is, I was in training with a couple of people from the NY office, and had met the manager and a few others on the company trip to the Bahamas-  a trip I busted my butt to win for me and her, and wound up taking Aaron)Of course in my mind I'm like, "Geez, here is another thing to go wrong in my life!"  Then, miraculously, they start winning, and kept winning all the way to the Super Bowl.

Of course, the halftime show was U2, and they sang "Beautiful Day", and the Pats won on on of the greatest moments in Super Bowl history(I may be a little biased in that statement).  The sucky part is I was supposed to have gone to New Haven to watch it with my cousins, but wound up watching alone with Aaron because I had caught a stomach flu.  Aaron was out by the 3rd quarter.  The next day, every radio station and TV highlight of the Pats winning featured "Beautiful Day".

In that one moment, Adam Vinatieri changed my whole outlook through the eyes of that song.  Whereas, before, it only brought me painful memories and sadness, now it brings a certain sense of euphoria. That song defined a turning point in my life, and that moment opened a new chapter.

People will argue that a sports moment such as that shouldn't have such a profound effect on someone, but the Patriots were my life raft that season.  They were the one constant I could count on.  I wasn't sure if she'd let me see Christien that weekend, but I did know the Pats would be there come Sunday.  And because they didn't let me down, they helped me move on with my life.

So, you see, sports can have a profound impact on one's life.  My father still fondly remembers the World Cup game we went to see as a Father's Day gift for him, Aaron still loves hearing the story of how he won New England Revolution tickets for us when he was 3, and I still remember nearly breaking my hand on the ceiling jumping up and down when the Red Sox FINALLY won it in 2004. 

Somewhere, right now, some child is dreaming of he and his father playing catch, some daughter is remembering when she stayed up late with her dad to see the last time the Tigers won the World Series, and a couple is falling in love after watching the Broncos beat the Ravens on MNF.

And here, a father sits, wishing he could see his son.  For all the new lease on life the 2001 Patriots may have given me, it will never compare to that moment when I get to give Christien a great big hug again.  I love you and I miss you, mi hijo.  Ma y god bless and protect you and everyone in your heart.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Entry for Oct. 04, 2006- Random Thoughts

Just a quick hit.  Chicago was good, as far as long term prospects.  Not much in the way of short term gains.  I did experience surprisingly good Italian food.  We went to a place called Buca di Beppo.  It's a chain, but I never heard of it before.  I said brfore the dinner was served, you can tell how good a place is by whether you waddle or walk out of it- we waddled.  They said there was one in Pineville.  I'm going to have to check it out.  Hopefully, it will be as good as the Chicago one.

By the way, is that a great quote in today's blast or not? 
"Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence." – Lin Yutang

It is exactly meant for the trailblazers in all of us.

Thoughts and prayers to the parents of all the chikdren in PA.  Dude, they're Amish.  What the hell did they ever do to you?  Stop blaming others for what you did.

That's it.  Gas is down to $2.15, the maket has never been higher, and a 6 degrees of Bush appointee said it's ok for W to wipe his A** with the Constitution and violate all of our rights.  The 1st 2 you knew were going to happen because the Republicans will do anything to keep their power, the 2nd, I really hoped common sense would prevail.  Then again, it hasn't since FL 2000, so why start now?

Christien, daddy loves you.  May God bless you and keep an eye on you.  Aaron says hi.  I miss you.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Entry for September 26, 2006Getting Ready For Chicago

The only song that has been going through my head lately is the Blues Brothers "Sweet Home Chicago".  I have never been there, so I am nervously excited.  Nervous because I have to fly - United.  I mean, should I have to worry about a bankrupt airline? 

The only advice I got as far as where to go was to head to the Navy Pier.  Although I doubt I'll be able to see anything.  I'll be at the show all day, and too tired at night.  Oh well.  I just hope to make enough money to poke my head above water.

I always wanted to be in control of my own destiny, such as I am now, but there is something to be said for a steady paycheck.  It also would have been nice if I had had a say in the matter.  Well, if things go well enough, a steady paycheck might finally become a reality.  In the meantime, I just keep doing what I am doing and look towards the day when it will all work out.

Christien, daddy loves you and misses you.  How is school going, mi hijo.  Remember to pay attention in class, and do what the teacher says.  Sweet dreams.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Entry for 9/19, 2006, I'm going to Chicago & Need Help!!!

OK, Here is my first request for comments from anyone.  I'm going to be in Chicago next week for a trade show, and I'd like to know where's the good places to go.  I'm looking for the places the locals know about, not the tourist traps.  The show is the McCormick Place convention center, and we're (my company) is staying in some town called Westmont.  I want to know where some decent places to go eat when we leave the show, and maybe a decent place for  fun.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance for your help.

We're banking a lot on this show.  If all goes well, this could snowball through the holidays.  Well, here's hoping the best will come out of it.

Goodnight Christien.  Daddy loves and misses you.  Que Dios te bendiga.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Entry for September 18, 2006

Sometimes it's hard to come up with something to say.  I miss my son.  It's times like these I wish I go have a redo in my life.  My blast today is from an Ozzy Osbourne song, "Goodbye to Romance".  The only thing I can think to say is "I guess that we'll meet in the end".

Daddy loves an misses you Christien.  My Birthday is exactly 2 months away, and all I want for it is to hear your voice.  I love you mi hijo.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

9-16, 2006, a prayer for everyone

Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ. Allow God to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends, who pray together, stay together.

    Dear Lord, I thank you for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness.

    Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.

    Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.

    Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.

    And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example -- to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will.

    Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those who are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those who are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those who will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those who don't believe. But I thank you that I believe.

    I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met.

    I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly..

    This is my prayer.

    In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Christien, Daddy Loves you and misses you.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Entry for September 11, 2006

WE MUST NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless all the heroes, all the victims and all the soldiers. 

Daddy loves you and misses you Christien.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Entry for September 05, 2006

I found this on a blog on and liked it.  Try it yourself.  Copy this URL, paste it into your browser's location bar, type your own name instead of (yournamehere) and close up the spaces between the // and the period. Hit enter.

http:// (yourname here)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Entry for August 30, 2006

Just a quick hit.  I recommend the Morgan Spurlocker show  "30 Days".  His experiences are poignant and he brings up some very interesting questions.

Goodnight Christien.  Daddy loves you and misses you.  Please stay safe.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Entry for 8/27, 2006, My response to "Justine"

The following comment was posted on my MySpace page ( by "Justine", someone who had just asked me to be her "friend":

"want to see the real carlos quevedo go to click on criminal info search type in his name and click on docket entries HE IS ALSO A DEADBEAT DAD WHO OWS HIS SONS MOTHER 17, 779 !!!..AND HE WAS NEVA MARRIED UNTIL NOW TO HIS STEPSISTER!!..HOW NASTY HUH??"

Hindsight being 20/20, I regretfully deleted this comment.  I say regretfully because it gave me a reason to explain a little more about myself on MySpace.  Thankfully, I did copy it before I deleted it; I figured the least I could was answer "Justine" back, which I did, with the following e-mail:

"After much deliberation, I decided to delete your comment.  I'm not ashamed of my past, mind you, but I did so because I believe that you are basing your assumptions on one side of the story.  While what most of what you say is true, it is not accurate.  For instance, did she (you know who I mean, because you could not have gotten such accurate information otherwise) happen to mention to you that the large majority of the child support arrears are from when I was actually in the ACI?  When I went in, she was receiving $684 / month in support from me.  Because of all of the continuances that kept happening while I was in, I never went before the judge to suspend the support during my incarceration.  Add the interest, and it all piles up pretty quickly. Incidentally, the interest was supposed to have been suspended when we last went to court and had the support amended, but it wasn't because of some clerical error, so I have to go before the judge again to get it stopped.  Essentially, all the payments I have made went solely for the interest (I feel as if I got a loan from Federal Hill!)

If you wish to know my other side, look at and view the blog.  As you will see, I speak of my incarceration, and my situation.  I also speak to my son, whom I have not seen since October 9, 2004, and whom I do miss dearly. Pay particular attention to the entry dated August 25, 2005.  Read the whole blog, though.  Its purpose is not to get people on my side, it's just my way of vocalizing my feelings.  It will give you a better understanding of me.  I will be more than happy to personally answer any questions you have.   For now, let me answer some of the points you brought up.

You have every right to call me a deadbeat dad, because I can't afford to pay my child support.  I am not making the $9 per hour I was making up north that my current payments are based on, so I keep falling farther behind.  I barely make enough to pay my bills, sometimes not even that.  If I did, any spare money I had would be going up north so I could get to see, or at least talk to, my son.  In addition, my eldest son is PDD, so my job options are limited as I have to devote a great deal of time towards his well being.  That is also discussed in the blog. 

Now all I have to do is file a motion for relief, and I'm sure my payments would be reduced, but, and I'm not making any excuses, the honest truth is I am afraid to go before the judge because I am afraid he will be upset with how little money I am making now.  Personally, these guys you hear about who abandon their kids, and don't do anything for them while they drive around in a new Beamer sickens me.  Their asses should be thrown in jail just for not wanting anything to do with their kids.  The thing is, I want to be a part of my son's life, she just won't let me.  But, God-willing, one day that will change.  Every day I pray for his well-being, and I pray for God to help me hear some word on how he is doing.

As for my wife, there is no blood relation between us, so how is that nasty?  Her mother is married to my father.  We did not know each other until we were young adults, and we hated each other, initially.  We only started having feeling for each other after we re-met after I was released.  Both of our parents were happy of our union, and gave us their blessing.  By the way, we're actually divorcing now, so it doesn't really matter.

I hope you take the time to read this completely and also take the time to view my Yahoo blog.  I apologize for the length but I figured it was necessary to answer you personally.  As I said before, I am more than willing to answer any questions you have.  All I ask is that this remain a civil discourse and that you always remember that there are two sides to every story and that somewhere in the middle lies the truth.


Carlos R Quevedo
A Potential Friend"

By the way, I wonder if she ever saw the movie "Clueless" with Alcia Silvestone.  If anyone remembers, the boy she falls in love with and hooks up with in the end was - her step-brother!  I'm curious how many people found that nasty when they saw that movie.  That's pretty much the same situation I have (for) now.

If anything, at least Justine gave me something to write about here.  I can honestly say I have no idea who Justine is, or if she really exists and is not "someone's" alter ego designed to go after me.  I usually just approve friend requests and then delete and report them afterwards if they wind up being garbage.  Maybe I need to be more selective, but I do believe it is so much easier and fun to be someone's friend.  Besides, I like meeting different people.  I hope he is real, she does come to this page, and she does read all the posts.

Christien, I hope you are having a great summer and are getting ready for school.  Your daddy loves you and misses you!!  Que Dios te bendiga y cuida, mi hijo.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Entry for 8/24, 2006 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Christien,

I still remember the day you were born.  It was a Sunday evening, and it is still one of my happiest memories.  I wanted you to know that your daddy hasn't forgotten you.  Please believe me son, I want to be a part of your life.  If I had it my way, I would be.  God will bring you back into my life.  He wouldn't keep a father away from a son he loves forever.  I hope you can still feel my love.  Any time you feel alone, wrap yourself in your arms and know your father is there with you always- if not in body,then at least in spirit.  Goodnight, mi hijo, I love you.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Hey Christien

I just wanted to let you know that Christina gave me your message.  I'm still in NC missing you terribly.  I was really hoping to have for some time- any time- this summer.  I guess God knew how much I was thinkig of and missing you, so he made sure to let me know how you were.  I love you.  I miss you.  I hope to see you soon.

By the way, Aaron also misses you and asks about you all the time.

Cuidate, mi hijo.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Entry for 6/18, 2006 A Brief Father's Day Letter for Christien

Dear Christien,

It is supposed to be the other way around.  A son should be writing to his father, not the other way around.  I thought about you all  day today, mi hijo.  I hope oyu thought of me.  I hope they were happy thoughts.  I still dream of the day we'll be together again.  I would love nothing better than to be surrounded by all of my sons on Father's day.  Please know that I love you, I miss you, and if I had my way, we'd still be a part of each others life.  I still pray to God that he protect you and keep you safe.  One day, we'll be together again my son.  Until then, be safe, know that tu papi te ama & your brother misses you.

Goodnight Christien.  Sweet dreams

Entry for June 18, 2006

This article appeared in the Providence Joural, written by Mark Patinkin.  It reflect Father's Day pefectly.  Enjoy:

Mark Patinkin: Dads get short shrift on Father's Day

01:00 AM EDT on Thursday, June 15, 2006

I've long suspected that people don't care as much about Father's Day as Mother's Day and this proves it.

There was a telling article on an encyclopedia Web site called It called Father's Day "the other parent's day," and laid out some revealing statistics.

In 2005, the National Retail Federation says Americans spent $11.2 billion on gifts for their mothers. They only spent $8.2 billion on gifts for their fathers. This means the public deems moms almost 30 percent more important than dads.

I heard one woman say the real reason for the spending difference is that tons of fathers have flown the coop. I take this analysis as proof that we get no respect.

Here's more proof: The article quoted store clerks saying there is far more last-minute shopping for Father's Day than Mother's Day. I'm picturing people rushing to CVS thinking impatiently, "I guess we have to throw the old dog a bone."

I was watching the movie The Break-up when a character touched on a major truth. He was asked what holidays there were between May and July 4th.

"Well, there's Memorial Day," he said. "There's Flag Day." And then: "Some people recognize Father's Day as a holiday. I don't."

Here's my favorite statistic in the article. It said there's only one area of commerce that goes up significantly on Father's Day.

Collect calls.

You wouldn't do that to your mom. But dads are expected to pay for everything, including gifts for themselves.

Chris Rock, the comedian, has a great riff about this. "Nobody cares about daddy," he says. He talks of how mom gets at least a little gratitude for making dinners and keeping the house. But nobody ever says, "Daddy, thanks for paying for these lights so I can read." Or for the heat. Or the phones.

I got an e-mail the other day with still more proof that people don't take our day seriously.

"Father's Day Vasectomy Study," said the subject line.

It was sent by a Web site called, which surveyed 5,000 people asking, "Which celebrity do you think needs a vasectomy the most?"

The top votes were Kevin Federline, Tom Cruise, Bobby Brown and Michael Jackson.

No one would dare ask a comparable question about moms on their day. But dads are fair game.

A big part of the problem is nobody knows what to buy a father.

Usually, we get a tie with our hobby on it. There must be entire factories in China that do nothing but print images of golf clubs and fishing rods on fabric. I know one dad who got two cordless drills from his family on separate Father's Days. He rarely uses a drill, but every ad says that's what you should buy dad, so he's stuck with them.

I clicked onto, which trumpeted a list of the "perfect" last-minute Father's Day gifts.

One idea was a Weber grill. Typical. If you bought an ironing board for mom on Mother's Day it would be an insult, but it's fine to buy dad a chore-related item.

Other Father's Day ideas on the site included a Mr. Bar-B-Q cast-ron wok, a mini Go-Anywhere charcoal grill, a Sanyo indoor electric grill and a Smokey Mountain cast-iron cooker-smoker. There was even something called, "The original Grillslinger BBQ toolbelt."

I guess everyone's idea of honoring dads on their day is having them put on an apron and cook.

The only other idea that jumped out was a money clip in the shape of a dollar sign. This "gift," I suppose, is so everyone in the family knows where to find our cash when they need it.

Personally, I've had it. This year, I say it's time for dads to stand up and demand respect.

I'm even willing to take the lead.

Come Sunday, I plan to make a bold statement about Father's Day to anyone who asks.

How do you want your steak?

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Add-On Entry for June 01, 2006: More Bush Evidence

I just finished reading this article.  To quote Arsenio Hall:  "Things that make you go....Hmmm"

I am an unabashed Bush HATER.   This quote alone will probably keep Christien away from me, but if this is the only way I can impart wisdom on my son, then I say this:  Never be afraid to say how you feel.  God gave us emotion for a reason.  Use it - constructively.  I have said this to all the Bush suppoerters who try to defend the man: "All I know, is when we had a democratic president, I was making $70K with only a high school education, my talent, and my desire to succeed.  Now, I can't even get a job at Best Buy."  I don't know how much is true or false, all I know isthe press should be asking more questions!  Where are this generation's Woodward and Bernstein?  Probably playing Halo 24 on their X-Box 360.  I mean it's pretty sad that the lone voice of questioning in the media is Keith Olberman?!  History was repeated in '04, and I fear it will be again in '06.
Let's get this straight, if the Republicans put a more appealing ticket together in "08, I'll vote for it.  I have no loyalty to the Dems.  I just want whoever is living in the White House to be the one who America has really picked.

Entry for June 01, 2006 - Quick Shot Thought

It is amazing to me how people will always reveal themselves, and you are usually the last to know.  Or worse, you already know how they are, but you want to believe they can or have changed.  One never knows what path life has for you; and it's not always what path you choose, rather, its how you decide to travel down that path that makes the difference.  I prefer to keep an open mind, and a posititve attitude, but I always wonder why people find that wierd?

On my desk is a frame I bought from Successories a few years ago.  In it is a picture of my sons with the following caption:
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be differentbecause I was important in the life of a child"

If you have the opportunity to be important, be so.  You never know when that opportunity may be taken from you.

Goodnight Christien.  Daddy loves you.  Aaron misses you.  I hope you are doing good in school. 

Monday, May 22, 2006

Entry for May 23, 2006


Hi Christien!!!Daddy loves you and misses you!!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Entry for May 16, 2006 Thought from the day

sometimes I feel like I can't catch a break.  A cold, I can catch.  A break.....oh well. 
I have a friend, an ex-girlfriend, who occassonally sends me some of those chain e-mails.  I know, they are annoying sometimes, but sometimes, they have some cool messages.  I don't always send them out like I'm supposed to (maybe that's why I can't catch a break), but I still like to read them.  Below is one of them:

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.  You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. 
So send this to all of your friends in the next 5 minutes and a miracle will happen tonight
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin."
Don't worry about sending it to others, unless you want to.  It's just good stuff to remember.

Goodnight Christien.  Goodnight Moon.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Entry for May 14, 2006

just a quick hit.  I didn't mke the audition.  I got there and couldn't find them anywhere.  Of course, the sales scum weren't at all helpful.  I know I'm a salesman myself, but when they're not helpful because they can't make any money off of you, they're scum.  Hey guy, here's a tip, from someone who elvolvedfrom where you're at:  Everyone is a potential customer.  Treat everyone as if they were.

I hope you had a beautiful weekend Christien.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Entry for May 12, 2006

A little background.  My son Aaron was pushed down to the ground in the hallway of his school.  According to the counselor I spoke with, the child then proceeded to kick Aaron.  A female student then proceeded to drag himm around the hallway by his legs.  This was all a week ago from Thursday, yesterday.  I searched my soul for this past week, and finally decided to press charges.  I would like to explain to these childrens' parents why.

First to the child of the boy.  Sir, Mr Neil explained to me your reaction when you learned what your son had done.  I appreciate your apology, sir.  I will prefer to think the best of  all people, so I will believe that you did not raise your son in this manner.  Sir, an interesting thing you may want to ask your son is why he decided to assault a child smaller and slower developmentally from him.  Sometimes, peer pressure can be a very powerful influence on children.  I only hope that something posotive can come out of this for both you and you son.  Maybe this can serve as a wake-up call to your son regarding how to treat other people, and the consequences of his actions.  As for you, sir, this means  you will have to keep a more careful eye on your son.  Unfortunately, no matter how many times we tell a son something, inevitably, they are going to  make their own mistikes.  As fathers, it is imcumbant on us to be more vigilant of our sons and make sure they continue down the correct path. 

Now for the mother of the girl.  Mr Neil characterized your demeanor as hostile and defiant.  Ma'am, if that is true, I will paray for you.  If you are reclaiming why is the school picking on your child, you should be asking why your child has so much attention from the faculty.  It has been my experience that children garner special attention from school if they are very good, or very bad.  The fact that you are accusing the administration leads me to believe it is the latter.  Ma'am, as a mother, you have a unique position in this world.  You have a much greater influence on your child than any other adult.  So what kind of example are you setting when you are incredulous to the schools concerns, and instead turn your daughter into the victim.  There are witnesses who can corroborate the assault.  You are setting up your daughter for failure if you keep forgiving her actions and blaming everyone else for them.  She needs to learn responsibility and accountability.  Personally, I feel it would be better if she learned it form you rather than from the legal system.  Ma'am, please don't feel that I am attacking you.  I am simply stating my opinion.  You are more than free to oppose them, and if I am way off base about this, I apologize.  I welcome the opportunity to for a meeting together where we can hopefully engage in a positive discourse and you can present to me your side.

To both, I apologize to have to put you through the legal system.  If there were some other way, I would seek it.  The bottom line is I have to consider my son's health and safety.  One misplaced kick or accidental blow as he was being dragged could have easily had more serious and horrific consequences.  I can't live with the fact that my son could have been more seriously injureed.  The fact that he wasn't doesn't diminish the actions of your children.  Aaron is, by all accounts, one of the smallest children in his class.  His mental and social development is not as advanced as your childrens'.  In short, for whatever reason,  they chose the weakest to pick on.  That my be ok in the animal kingdom, where it is survival of the fittest, BUT WE ARE NOT ANIMALS.  Our children are not and neither are we.  Our society has rules and it has consequences.  Your children need to understand that and the other children need to understand that they can not pick on my son without consequences.  I'm sorry for whatever pain this causes your family, but it is the only decision I could make.

Entry for May 11, 2006


Here's something funny I found.  If you are or know a Rhode Islanda, you can relate:

You Know You're From Rhode Island When...

You celebrate "birt-day"
If your oldah brodah is a retad.
If you had a "wickit" good time at the beach.
When you hear an amazing fact your immidiate reply is "no suh!"
You can drive two miles with out seeing a Bess Eaton
You know the difference between red, white and clear chowdah
You consider a car journey of longer than one hour a day trip.
You can you curse in Italian.
You know the basic rules of DuckPin bowling.
You own garden tools from Job Lot.
You have tried to drive the measured mile in less then 45 seconds.
You know what the expression "side by each" means.
You have used the expression "Not For Nuthin" or "bubbla".
You serve bread with every meal.
You know what "3 all the way" means.
You load up on milk and bread before a snowstorm.
You feel compelled to hear at least one weather report a day.
You understand the humor of the Ocean State Follies.
You have pulled out of a sidestreet and used your car to block oncoming traffic so you could make a left-hand turn.
You consider your holiday season incomplete without a trip to Lasalette Shrine.
You have a bottle of coffee syrup in the fridge right now.
You've phoned into a talk show on WPRO or WHJJ.
You have given a bottle of Sakonnet wine as a gift.
You've gotten sick from eating too many clam cakes.
You own at least one coffee table book with a picture of a lighthouse on it.
You've boasted about the money you saved at the Christmas Tree Shop.
Your first live concert was at The Civic Center or Rocky Point.
You own a hat with a red "P" on it.
You were born at Lying-In Hospital.
You still call the Rhode Island Mall the Midland Mall.
You have close relatives who work for the state.
You've gone to "Legs and Eggs".
You have used a demolished landmark when giving directions.
You secretly watch "Providence" even though you tell your friends you don't.
You have slammed on your breaks to discourage a tailgater.
You know what a burger "The Newport Creamery Way" is.
You have dated a girl named Brenda or a guy named Vinnie.
You have used the breakdown lane on 95 to pass someone.
You've personally met Vinnie Paz.
Your idea of a dream house is a raised ranch.
You have relatives who have been to Edgehill Newport, Codac, or Butler.
You have driven more than 5 miles out of your way to save less than two bucks.
You been on a RIPTA bus less than 12 times in the past 6 years.
You can sing the Rocky Point theme song.
You know what a "governor-preferred" plate is.
You know someone who works for the Registry.
You've asked your mechanic for an inspection sticker even though your car failed to pass.
You have a degree from RIC, CCRI or URI.
You think vodka and Del's is a great combination.
You've been to Twin Oaks for your birthday.
You've borrowed dealer plates from a friend.
You know how to pronounce Pawtucket, Cowesett, Usqepaug, and Narragansett.
You've been to Scarborough Beach but not Block Island.
You know where "The Pier" is located.
You've been on a Bay Queen cruise.
You can recognize a Cranston accent.
You think high hair, gold chains, and gum go together.
You think there's a "v" in the name Cheryl.
You drop the "w" in Greenwich, Kingstown, and Warwick.
You use the expression "down-city" for downtown.
You've eaten at Haven Brothers.
You've eaten at Haven Brothers, drunk.
You celebrate St. Joseph's Day and know what a "zeppolla" is.
You have at least one gallon of Newport Creamery coffee ice cream in your freezer.
You know what "ProJo" stands for.
You still call CCRI "reject".
You know who Jack Comly, Sara Wye and Sherm Strickhauser are.
Your city house and your beach house are less than an hour away from each other.
You know the original name for Airport Road.
You always start giving directions by saying, "Well, you get on 95"
You know where "NiRoPe" comes from.
You know what "John from Alpert's" sounds like.
You can recite the license plates of all your family members and friends.
You know where "Harvard on the Hill" is located.
You refer to the movies as the Show.
You know what a "package store" is.
You think lots of gold jewelery looks great on the beach.
Your favorite expressions are, "Are you serious?", "Wicked", and "You know what I'm saying?"
You know you need "quahogs" to make "stuffies".
You know there's a West End but not a West Providence.
You think banana, vanilla, and idea all end in "r".
You know what a burger "The Newport Creamery Way" is.
You put vinegar on your french fries.
You know what Allie's makes.
You've gone to Cumbie's for milk or gas. (HAHAHAHA Cumbie's!!)
You know that there is never any school in Fosta-Glosta when it snows.
The girl you ended up marrying lived no more than 6 blocks from where you grew up.
You've converted the basement of your house into an apartment.
You call spaghetti sauce, "gravy."
You tell friends that something is "on special", instead of on sale.
The meal at every wedding you've ever attended was chicken, shells and french fries.
You put celery salt on your hot dogs.
You are never from Providence, or East Providence, but from the East Side, Rumford or Riverside
You order an iced coffee in December.
You read the wedding announcements in the Sunday Pro-Jo and recognize at least 3 couples.
The seltzer guy delivers bottles to your home on a weekly basis.
People at work wish you a "Happy St. Joseph's Day!
You know someone who knew the Farrelly brothers when they lived around here.
You know exactly which parts of Dumb and Dumber, There's Something About Mary, Meet Joe Black and Amistad were filmed in RI, and you can tell someone exactly where that is.
You know what the Coffee Cup Salute is, and who does it every morning.
You grew up with everyone you see at Stop and Shop.
You know where South County is, even though it doesn�t exist.
You and everyone you know are either Italian or Irish, or both.
You've never been farther south than Jersey, and not farther West than there, either, but are planning to move to Florida as soon as you turn 60.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Rhode Island.

Daddy Loves You Christien.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Entry for May 10, 2006

Sox Lose.  This sucks!  At least the games look phenomonal in HD.  Thank you ESPN.

Christien, Daddy still loves you and misses you.  Summer is getting closer, so my dream of having you here for it is getting farther away, but I'm not going to stop trying.  Always remember your daddy loves you.  Aaron says hi.  He misses his little brother too.

Entry for May 9, 2006

Just a quick shot. life is a trip!!  I arrived home today from Aaron's dentist's appointment, and was immediately bombarded with questions about how I thought I could sing?  I was clueless about what everyone was talking about until someone said something about American Idol.  Instantly, I knew what they were talking about.  A few weeks ago, the local Fox affiliate announced on their morning news show a contest where a local Ford dealership was looking for a spokesperson.  The grand prize was free trip for 2 to the "Idol" finals, and a free Ford Fusion year lease.   So, for the heck of it, I filled out the entry form, AND THEY CALLED!!!  I have to go Saturday and try to show if I'm better than 79 other people.  I'll let you know what happens, but life is a trip!

Hi Christien!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Entry for January 25, 2006 - Job Hunt Thoughts

I have come to the conclusion that our society is one of absolute hypocrisy and denigration. People love to feel superior to someone-anyone- and at the expense of that person, just so they can feel good about themselves. I have realized this as I have searched for a means of steady income for my family and me. Most concerning to me is how far behind I am in child support. God knows, I don't want to be behind, but its hard to send up $120 per week when I don't have $10 coming in. Add to that that EVERYTHING is so expensive nowadays....I have set up a delicate house of cards just trying to keep our money affairs in order, but I feel as if I'm crossing the Atlantic with an elephant tied to my ankles.
What is it that people have against giving someone a chance!!! As soon as a higher up found out about my record, bye-bye 3rd shift job.  You know what, I was a pretty damned good Account Executive before I spent a year in jail. I'm still a hard worker now. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be offered THREE positions, only to have them rescinded because of my background check. And those are just within the last 3 weeks!!!  I lost count of all the offers rescinded since I've been down here.  I CAN'T EVEN GET A JOB AS MALL SECURITY, FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!! God gives us a cross no heavier than that which we can bear, but I feel my back breaking under this terrible weight.
You want to know how desperate I am for a steady paycheck? I actually went to speak to a recruiter about going back into the military! I figured at worst, I get K.I.A. and I die a hero, fighting for my country. K**** wouldn't be able to say crap bad about me then! Her dad is a vet, and military always sticks up for one another.
This is stupid. I need to work. I need a stable income so I can go in front of the judge and try and have my son for the summer. I miss you Christien.
