Thursday, June 1, 2006

Add-On Entry for June 01, 2006: More Bush Evidence

I just finished reading this article.  To quote Arsenio Hall:  "Things that make you go....Hmmm"

I am an unabashed Bush HATER.   This quote alone will probably keep Christien away from me, but if this is the only way I can impart wisdom on my son, then I say this:  Never be afraid to say how you feel.  God gave us emotion for a reason.  Use it - constructively.  I have said this to all the Bush suppoerters who try to defend the man: "All I know, is when we had a democratic president, I was making $70K with only a high school education, my talent, and my desire to succeed.  Now, I can't even get a job at Best Buy."  I don't know how much is true or false, all I know isthe press should be asking more questions!  Where are this generation's Woodward and Bernstein?  Probably playing Halo 24 on their X-Box 360.  I mean it's pretty sad that the lone voice of questioning in the media is Keith Olberman?!  History was repeated in '04, and I fear it will be again in '06.
Let's get this straight, if the Republicans put a more appealing ticket together in "08, I'll vote for it.  I have no loyalty to the Dems.  I just want whoever is living in the White House to be the one who America has really picked.

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