As all of you who follow this blog by now know, Father's Day is a bittersweet day for me. Although I have Aaron with me and I feel that Luis and Anthony are my sons, I still have a hole in my heart because Christien is not with me. As Jesus once said, & I'm paraphrasing here, a shepherd will go out and look for th lost lamb because each is important to him. I can only pray that he is well and healthy, because I am not allowed to know anything about him. So I keep this blog as a means for him to know that I am still thinking of and missing him, no matter what anyone else might be telling him. With that in mind, I'm putting the lyrics to 2 songs here in honor of Father's Day - one is in Spanish, the other in English if you Google the Spanish one, you can find a translation for it. So for all the fathers reading this, if you have your children, be thankful and let them know how much you love them. For those who don't but want to, be sure they know you love them when you finally have the chance. God will never keep love apart. And for those who are fathers, but aren't a part of their lives- I only ask- why not? Your children are a gift, appreciate them.
Happy Father's day to all! I love you and miss you Christien. Yo Quiero Ser Como Tú - Danny Berríos
Se sienta a mi lado un abrazo me da
me dice papi le contesto que es
con su almohadita se recuesta a mi
y me dice papi yo quiero ser como tú.
Lo acuesto en su cama y un beso le doy
apagando las luces hago una oración
que cuando el crezca el vea en mi
un padre que vive - para Dios!
Señor yo quiero ser como Tu
porque el quiere ser como yo..
yo quiero ser un buen ejemplo
que sus ojitos puedan ver….
Señor ayúdame a enseñarle
que el pueda entender
que yo quiero ser como Tu
porque el quiere ser como yo.
Admito que tengo mucho que aprender
cometo errores, lo sabes muy bien
las presiones de la vida vienen sobre mi
necesito tu ayuda...solo no voy a poder.
Me quiero esforzar y aprender más de ti
ser paciente y tierno lleno de amor
que el aprende de lo que ve
que tu imagen señor es lo que vea en mi!
Señor yo quiero ser como tu
porque el quiere ser como yo
yo quiero ser un buen ejemplo
que sus ojitos puedan ver….
Señor ayúdame a enseñarle
que el pueda entender
que yo quiero ser como tú
porque el quiere ser como yo.
Quizás el mire a mi diciendo papi es el mejor
pero es que estoy aprendiendo de mi padre celestial.
Señor yo quiero ser como tu
porque el quiere ser como yo
yo quiero ser un buen ejemplo
que sus ojitos puedan ver….
Señor ayúdame a enseñarle
que el pueda entender
que yo quiero ser como tu
porque el quiere ser como yo.
"Love Without End, Amen" by George Strait
I got sent home from school one day with a shiner on my eye
Fighting was against the rules and it didn't matter why
When dad got home I told that story just like I'd rehearsed
And then stood there on those trembling knees and waited for the worst.
And he said, "Let me tell you a secret about a father's love
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
When I became a father in the spring of '81
There was no doubt that stubborn boy was just like my father's son.
And when I thought my patience had been tested to the end
I took my daddy's secret and I passed it on to him.
And he said, "Let me tell you a secret about a father's love
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."
Last night I dreamed I died and stood outside those pearly gates
When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake
If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in
And then somewhere from the other side I heard these words again.
And he said, "Let me tell you a secret about a father's love
A secret that my daddy said was just between us."
He said, "Daddies don't just love their children every now and then
It's a love without end, amen, it's a love without end, amen."