Today, I want to get political. I was watching the new this morning and they brought up an interesting point. They were talking about the new Clinton commercial that was a mock up of the Soprano's finale. Now, they didn't show the whole commercial, but they were talking about how this election is totally different than any other in the way the candidates are reaching out to voters. Namely, no one’s really talking issues, candidates are sticking to sound bites, and the big story is who's raised the most money. Essentially the election has been turned into a high school popularity contest.
I started thinking about this: What are each candidates' position? I know a little bit about the candidates, but not enough to choose one. Me personally, I'm more comfortable with Bill Richardson. I would like to see a Latino in there, and his commercials have appealed to me. However what does it say about me that I am actually considering a candidate based on their political commercial?
This country has some serious problems. Greed and ambivalence has allowed this country to degrade. This election is beginning to remind me of the part in Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" where the wife were discussing who they were going to vote for based on how good they looked on camera.
And by the way, I don't care if a Republican, Democrat, or some 3rd Party is elected, I would finally just like to have a president who won't lie to us, tell us honestly what is going on, and won't curtail our rights "for our own good". This election should be a turning point for this country. It needs to be. We need to make it. Just my 2 cents
School's nearly over Christien. I hope you've been getting good grades and are getting excited about going up a grade. I wish I could've spoken with you on Father's day, but hopefully I’ll have a chance to wish you a happy birthday in person or, at least, on the phone. I love you, mi hijo. Cuidate y portate bien.
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