Sunday, September 9, 2012

Love Isn’t Perfect..

Love Isn’t Perfect..

Love isn’t perfect. It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook and it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without. Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, every second of it was worth it because you did it together. ~Unknown

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Destination 200 - Day Two

I will say this about BeachBody, the company that sells Insanity- they definitely believe in truth in advertising. After 2 days of doing Insanity, my entire body hurts. Literally, from my glutes all the way to my calfs, my legs hurt.

I did Day 2 today & I could barely make it through the warm up- THE WARM UP!! By the time I was done, my shirt was drenched with sweat, I could hardly stand from exhaustion, and I was praying for a merciful end to my suffering. I'm going to plow through this, but I definitely need to invest in more Aleve.

I'm getting back into the Isagenix routine, but I am wondering how all this strenuous exercise is going to mesh with their cleanse days. I'll have to find out quick.

I also tracked my meals & workout on My Fitness Pal. I thought I could share that on Facebook, but I guess not. No big deal. My morning snack was a cup of cottage cheese-plain, & lunch was spicy chicken wings with a garbanzo bean salad. According to Ilio's, the cafe at my job, my total lunch was a little over 700 calories. That is more than what Isagenix recommends but not much. I will of course be more careful in the future.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Destination 200 - Day One

So, I finished Day One of Insanity & had my morning shake. As far as Insanity goes, WHAT HAVE I GOT MYSELF INTO?!?!

Day One of Insanity is just a fitness test to see how fit you are. I struggled to get to 20 minutes of the 30 minute workout. So, needless to say, I am out of healthy shape. I qualify that last statement because anybody that knows me knows I always say "I am in shape. Round is a shape."

Compounding the matter is that I'm doing this at home, in a 2nd floor apartment, with a family with  a preschooler living below me. I won't have to keep doing this at home because today is Labor Day, hence no work & no working out in the gym at work. This will be the exception rather than the rule, but it meant I could only go 75% today, lest pieces of the ceiling started falling down in their apartment.

All I know is if I was that tired after going 75%, "OY VAY!!" But that is why I am posting this. So that I can be held accountable. I still wrote down my results. I don't expect them to change as dramatically as if I had gone 100% as I was supposed to, but it will give me a baseline.

Likewise, below are my New Year's pics, as well as the ones I took over the weekend, to give some perspective as to where I was, where I am, & ultimately, where I will wind up. I will post progressive pics at the beginning of every month, as I promised.

I also measured myself where Isagenix want me to measure myself. The only thing I'm not sure of is when it comes to the chest measurement. I don't know if they want me to measure just arm pit to arm pit or if they wanted the circumference from there. I took both & will post the total of both until I get clarification.

So, my total inches re either 369 1/8 inches or 393 1/8 inches, depending on what they require. I'm still the same inches as before the summer, even though I added 10 lbs from the last time I measured myself. My BMI sits at 32.08, which is considered obese, but still a heck of a lot better than where I was at the beginning of the year when my BMI would've been around 40.

Here I the breakdown:

Neck                                                 15 7/8
Upper Arm (left)                                16
Upper Arm (right)                              16
Chest (men: armpit, women: bust)       19 / 43
Diaphragm (rib cage)                          41
Waist                                                 43
Abdomen (6” below waist)                 41 1/2
Buttocks (9” below waist)                  46 1/2
Upper Thigh (left)                              28
Upper Thigh (right)                            28 1/2
Calf (left)                                          17 1/4
Calf (right)                                        17
Upper Knee (left)                              20
Upper Knee (right)                            19 1/2

Below are my images from New Years Day  1/1/2012

Now, Here'a what I looked like August 31, 2012. Check out how much smaller my gut is!!

Obviously, future posts won't be this long. I should've post my pics and measurements as a separate post, but oh well. I will keep postng & I will appreciate any feedback.

Until tomorrow, CHEERS!!