Monday, September 3, 2012

Destination 200 - Day One

So, I finished Day One of Insanity & had my morning shake. As far as Insanity goes, WHAT HAVE I GOT MYSELF INTO?!?!

Day One of Insanity is just a fitness test to see how fit you are. I struggled to get to 20 minutes of the 30 minute workout. So, needless to say, I am out of healthy shape. I qualify that last statement because anybody that knows me knows I always say "I am in shape. Round is a shape."

Compounding the matter is that I'm doing this at home, in a 2nd floor apartment, with a family with  a preschooler living below me. I won't have to keep doing this at home because today is Labor Day, hence no work & no working out in the gym at work. This will be the exception rather than the rule, but it meant I could only go 75% today, lest pieces of the ceiling started falling down in their apartment.

All I know is if I was that tired after going 75%, "OY VAY!!" But that is why I am posting this. So that I can be held accountable. I still wrote down my results. I don't expect them to change as dramatically as if I had gone 100% as I was supposed to, but it will give me a baseline.

Likewise, below are my New Year's pics, as well as the ones I took over the weekend, to give some perspective as to where I was, where I am, & ultimately, where I will wind up. I will post progressive pics at the beginning of every month, as I promised.

I also measured myself where Isagenix want me to measure myself. The only thing I'm not sure of is when it comes to the chest measurement. I don't know if they want me to measure just arm pit to arm pit or if they wanted the circumference from there. I took both & will post the total of both until I get clarification.

So, my total inches re either 369 1/8 inches or 393 1/8 inches, depending on what they require. I'm still the same inches as before the summer, even though I added 10 lbs from the last time I measured myself. My BMI sits at 32.08, which is considered obese, but still a heck of a lot better than where I was at the beginning of the year when my BMI would've been around 40.

Here I the breakdown:

Neck                                                 15 7/8
Upper Arm (left)                                16
Upper Arm (right)                              16
Chest (men: armpit, women: bust)       19 / 43
Diaphragm (rib cage)                          41
Waist                                                 43
Abdomen (6” below waist)                 41 1/2
Buttocks (9” below waist)                  46 1/2
Upper Thigh (left)                              28
Upper Thigh (right)                            28 1/2
Calf (left)                                          17 1/4
Calf (right)                                        17
Upper Knee (left)                              20
Upper Knee (right)                            19 1/2

Below are my images from New Years Day  1/1/2012

Now, Here'a what I looked like August 31, 2012. Check out how much smaller my gut is!!

Obviously, future posts won't be this long. I should've post my pics and measurements as a separate post, but oh well. I will keep postng & I will appreciate any feedback.

Until tomorrow, CHEERS!!

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