HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIEN!!!!!! Daddy wishes he could celebrate it with you. No matter what, papi, I will never forget you and I will always love you!!! I hope today is an extra special day for you. We will be together again, one sweet day. Have faith that God will let it happen.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIEN!!!!!! Daddy wishes he could celebrate it with you. No matter what, papi, I will never forget you and I will always love you!!! I hope today is an extra special day for you. We will be together again, one sweet day. Have faith that God will let it happen.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Entry for August 23, 2005-Letter to Judge Newman
Honorable Judge Newman
XXFamily Court
August 22, 2005
Dear Judge Newman,
I am the defendant in the above-mentioned case scheduled before you on August 24, 2005. I am writing you this letter because I was told that this was the proper procedure for requesting to continue this matter. As you can see from my address above right, I am not a resident of XX and am unable to afford to make the trip at this time. I have been trying to allocate the funds to make this trip since I was served with these papers two weeks ago, but have been unsuccesful as of yet.
Your honor, I seek a continuance so that I may defend myself in person against the allegations being brought forth by my son’s mother, KXX. This restraining order is merely her latest attempt to deny me any interaction with my son. Her affidavidt states that I never appeared for visits; this is wrong and can be proven by taking a look at the file in XXX department. In fact, she has repeatedly denied or curtailed my visits with Christien. I always showed up, even when I knew she wouldn’t bring him. Each time I came, I signed the court officers’ logbook, so this can be verified as well.
It is true, your Honor, that I have not seen Christien- since October, after school had started. I moved to North Carolina to escape her false allegations, and to rebuild my life. When I last saw Christien, I told him that hopefully, one day, he’d be able to come down to Charlotte to stay with me, and that I’d have a room waiting for him when that day finally came. Your Honor, I believe a child needs both his mother and father in their lives, and I know how much Christien loves his mother, so I would never do anything such as what she is infering.
I tried to acquire telephone interaction with Christien through my attorney, Ed XXX, the last time this matter came before Chief Judge Jeremiah. According to my attorney, Judge Jeremiah became upset when told I wasn’t there, and that is when he suspended my interaction with Christien. I cannot recall when the action was taken, but I believe it was after the holidays, because when I last traveled to XX, for Christmas, I had my lawyer inquire about me having a visit with Christien for Christmas. KXX, of course, refused. I have not been back to XX since, so her allegation that I was “circling the school†on the 16th holds no merit. I can verify I was in Charlotte on June 16, and it is exactly for reasons such as these that I moved from XX in the first place.
I did call his school on June 16th. I had investigated beforehand if my calling would violate Judge Jeremiah’s order and was told it would not. KXX mother works at the school, so I knew there was no hiding that I had called, but I wanted to know how my son was doing, schoolwise. I called, identified myself as Christien’s father, said he was a student in Mrs. BXX’s class, and asked to speak with the principal. Christien told me who his teacher was on our last visit, but this information is also available on the school’s website (It is also through that website that I have my only new picture of Christien). I was told the principal was out on bereavement leave and I left it at that (I don’t remember if I left a message for a callback). I never asked to speak with Christien, because that would have violated Judge Jeremiah’s order.
Your honor, not having any interaction with my son distresses me to no end. He has an older brother who asks for him all the time and probably misses him more than I do (my oldest son, Aaron, is mildly mentally handicapped, and always asks why can’t he see or talk to his little brother). If you are a parent, imagine how you would feel if you weren’t allowed to know anything about your child: Not knowing if he’s healthy, how their grades are, what their new favorite toy is,...nothing. Now, she is trying to make it so I can’t see my son for at least another three years. Study after study shows the importance of a child having both parents involved in their life. Yet, KXX ignores these statistics for her own selfish motives. Yes, I suffer, but in the end, it is the child who suffers most.
I apologize for the length of this letter, Your Honor, but I wanted to be sure you had enough information to make your decision. There are several other matters her affidavidt mentions that I’d like to address, but that would just lengthn this letter, and I would rather address those in person. All I ask is for the opportunity to present my side. I firmly believe that if you give me this opportunity, you will see her petition has no merit. Whatever your decision is, Your Honor, I shall abide by it. All I ask is that you please consider my request to continue ths matter so that I may defend myself, in person, before you deny a father his son.
Carlos R. Quevedo
My scanner is busted, or I would have posted her affidavidt. I am not looking to get anyone on my side, nor put anyone against her. I will present ALL of the facts, as best I can, and leave it up to you to make your own decisions. I have first-hand intimate knowledge as to the effects of lies (I'll explain that another day), and I pride myself on trying to get both sides of the story before making any decisions or passing any judgements, so I will attempt to do that for you.
Let me get back to work. I will try to post a follow-up later.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Entry for August 22, 2005- Song List for Christien
Randy Travis - Love Without End_ Amen,
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity,
Van Halen - Dreams,
Big Country - In a Big Country,
Cheap Trick - I Want You To Want Me,
Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky,
Heavy D & The Boyz - Peaceful Journey,
Pop\Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen),
John Hiatt - Have a little faith in me,
Prince - I Would Die 4 U,
WWF - Shawn Michaels Tribute - Tell Me a Lie,
La India - Nunca Voy A Olvidarte,
Juan Luis Guerra - Para Ti,
Frank Sinatra - Swinging On A Star,
Stevie B - Dream About You,
Robert Miles - Children,
Apollo Four Forty - Stop the Rock,
george strait - all my exes live in texas,
Loanstar - I'm Already There,
Toby Keith - The List,
Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight,
Israel Kamakawiwo`ole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow_What A WOndewrful World,
Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram - Somewhere Out There,
Puff Daddy Faith Evans 112 - I'll Be Missing You,
Christien I still think of you and I miss you. - Daddy
Friday, August 19, 2005
Entry for August 19, 2005
Here are some sobering stats I found on a website devoted to helping fathers regain their parental rights:
"Steve Farrar provides more stats in his book Anchor Man:
85 percent of all children who exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes.
90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.
75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes.
63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.
70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes.
85 percent of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in fatherless homes.
80 percent of rapists come from fatherless homes."
I googled Fathers for equal rights which led me to the site where I got this. Unfortunately, I did not save the web address because it was basically a guy trying to get desperate fathers' money. Two thoughts arose out of the Google search:
1. one result was from NOW-t he National Organization for Women- warning women that some of these fathers'-rights organizations are being deceptive and manipulative, and just trying to screw the women out of child support. They essentially say that courts are NOT biased against fathers and that joint custody only works if both parents agree to it. Well, NOW, here is your counterpoint! Here is a father who wants to be a part of his son's life, but isn't being allowed to because of HER deceptions. The court record is riddled with her lies and contradictions, yet when I try to point them out, and provide proof, they don't want to hear about it. She has denied me my visits for several MONTHS at a time, without court approval, and then claims hardship with child support whenever things start going in my favor.
You know what, if he is such a financial burden to her, then why can't I have him. Here is my offer-in writing: Let me have custody of Christien. In exchange, I waive all rights to ONE SINGLE PENNY OF CHILD SUPPORT. In addition, she can have full unencumbered access to him when she wishes. If she wants to call and speak with him, she can, if she wants to have a visit with him she can. I would never deny her access to him. after all, A CHILD NEEDS BOTH THEIR MOTHER AND THEIR FATHERS IN THEIR LIFE. I firmly believe that.
By the way, I think NOW is a very worthwhile organization. I may not agree with all of their positions, but that doesn't mean I disapprove of the group. I will gladly discuss this matter with any member of NOW who wishes to contact me.
2. #1 was so long winded, I'm going to try and keep #2 short. For all those who seek personal gain from other people's misery-Ala that website I had mentioned earlier- How dare you?! I'm sorry. I may be a little jaded here because of so many scams I've seen or heard of. I really don't know if that site is worthwhile or not, but the fact it talked about ways of getting around child support makes me wonder about the source. If the webmaster does provide a good service that really helps those who needs it, I'm sorry for misjudging you. But for all you who are in it solely for the money, who are taking advantage of people who need help, and who don't give a damn about no one but themselves, they should have a special spot in hell for your kind. Look, I'm no angel, but I have enough of a heart to know that you should try and help your fellow man.
This post is way too long. I'm going to go. I will, post my history so you can have a full, unbiased opinion of me as you read this. I will try to get it done this weekend. Thank you for visiting me today.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Entry for August 16, 2005
Well, let's see....I purport to be a salesman, when, in reality, I just like to talk to and engage people and I just happened to find a career that suited those talents. "Find a job you like, you'll never work another day in your life."
I have 4 boys (the makings of a Red Sox infield)-2 are my own, 2 are from my better half. One is being denied to me by his mother...You know, why does a parent use their kids against the other? Don't they realize how much that could screw a child up?! For the record-A CHILD NEEDS BOTH THEIR MOTHER AND THEIR FATER IN THEIR LIFE. IF THE PARENT WANTS TO BE PART OF THAT CHILD'S LIFE, THEN THEY SHOULD LET THEM!!!!(absent of-course if any severe physical or sexual abuse occured between the parent and child- then the parent should just burn in Hell. THAT'S YOUR OWN KID YOU SICK @*^%#!!!!) Do you hear me Legal System?!!!
Anyways, in case he ever comes across this...Christien, Daddy loves you and misses you!!!Not a day goes by I don't think of you or pray for you. No matter what, I'll always love you! One day, God will bring us together. Until then, remember, you're always in my heart. Be safe, mi hijo.
See I told you you'd see into my brain. That's all for now. Yu-Gi-Oh is coming on. Yeah, I'm 30 years old and I like cartoons. Not as wierd as it used to be. Thank you Homer J, et al, for that!
By the way, feedback is always welcome, it just may not always be appreciated.