Well, let's see....I purport to be a salesman, when, in reality, I just like to talk to and engage people and I just happened to find a career that suited those talents. "Find a job you like, you'll never work another day in your life."
I have 4 boys (the makings of a Red Sox infield)-2 are my own, 2 are from my better half. One is being denied to me by his mother...You know, why does a parent use their kids against the other? Don't they realize how much that could screw a child up?! For the record-A CHILD NEEDS BOTH THEIR MOTHER AND THEIR FATER IN THEIR LIFE. IF THE PARENT WANTS TO BE PART OF THAT CHILD'S LIFE, THEN THEY SHOULD LET THEM!!!!(absent of-course if any severe physical or sexual abuse occured between the parent and child- then the parent should just burn in Hell. THAT'S YOUR OWN KID YOU SICK @*^%#!!!!) Do you hear me Legal System?!!!
Anyways, in case he ever comes across this...Christien, Daddy loves you and misses you!!!Not a day goes by I don't think of you or pray for you. No matter what, I'll always love you! One day, God will bring us together. Until then, remember, you're always in my heart. Be safe, mi hijo.
See I told you you'd see into my brain. That's all for now. Yu-Gi-Oh is coming on. Yeah, I'm 30 years old and I like cartoons. Not as wierd as it used to be. Thank you Homer J, et al, for that!
By the way, feedback is always welcome, it just may not always be appreciated.
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