Sunday, June 18, 2006

Entry for 6/18, 2006 A Brief Father's Day Letter for Christien

Dear Christien,

It is supposed to be the other way around.  A son should be writing to his father, not the other way around.  I thought about you all  day today, mi hijo.  I hope oyu thought of me.  I hope they were happy thoughts.  I still dream of the day we'll be together again.  I would love nothing better than to be surrounded by all of my sons on Father's day.  Please know that I love you, I miss you, and if I had my way, we'd still be a part of each others life.  I still pray to God that he protect you and keep you safe.  One day, we'll be together again my son.  Until then, be safe, know that tu papi te ama & your brother misses you.

Goodnight Christien.  Sweet dreams

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